The Importance of Family in Recovery

The Importance of Family in Recovery

“You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone.” This famous quote sums up one of the struggles of recovery. The person who is fighting addiction must take ownership of their own sobriety or it won’t be sustainable–but support is needed for them to be...
How Mindfulness Supports Recovery

How Mindfulness Supports Recovery

To get sober, a person has to give up what has often been their primary or only coping skill. They may have to learn brand new coping skills and relearn old ones that have grown rusty from disuse. One coping skill that can be very helpful to people who are recovering...
Client Testimonial

Client Testimonial

Safe Harbor Recovery Center is dedicated to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals seeking recovery from addiction. Located in Portsmouth, Virginia, the center offers comprehensive treatment programs designed to address the unique needs of...
Journaling as a Recovery Tool

Journaling as a Recovery Tool

Sometimes the tools a person wants to use to promote their recovery can be expensive or difficult to obtain without a prescription. Journaling, however, is a tool that is highly affordable and easily accessible. At Safe Harbor Recovery Center, we encourage our clients...